Thanks to YHWH (the LORD), because of His grace and mercy has given
opportunity in accomplishing this short paper. This paper was written in Indonesia
language by Setyawan then it was translated into English language. The author is not a scholar, but
has become accustomed to the hebrew bible and studied about old biblical
documents in photographic, among which are:
- Samaritan Pentateuch text have been found ini 400 SM, now stored
in Nablus, Palestine.
- Texts (scroll and fragment) have been found around Dead Sea area,
i.e.: Qumran, Nahal Hever, Judean desert.
- Masoretic text hebrew bible copied by hand by soferim in
medieval era, examples: Aleppo Codex, Leningrad Codex, Yellin tanakh, Berlin
Codex, Damascus Pentateuch, Codex Hilley, Cairo Codex, etc.
- And some another old bible documents.
The author studies the biblical understanding from a Jewish and
Christian perspective, and also studied another Jewish literatures beside the bible, examples: midrash, talmud, etc.
The author studied
many documents (including the above texts) and found authentic evidences that
the hebrew bible text (Masoretic text too) to this day is still entirely
trustworthy as the inspired writings of the Creator, YHWH. In this short paper,
the authors wish to share to public through the evidences obtained,
and hope that this paper may be of benefit to the readers.